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[Free Guide]

Real Hope For The Betrayed Christian Wife

In This Free Guide You'll Learn...

  • How to understand the real reason for your husband's pornography addiction so that you are no longer held captive by self-blame and guilt.

  • How to gain a healthy perspective with your emotions so that you can regain dignity and experience wholeness to your spirit, soul and body.

  • How to use God's truth in practical ways so that you can find peace and infinite love in Him like no other.

Embark on an intimate journey and explore the only foundation to which healing can be fully realized after experiencing betrayal trauma. You are not alone....

Helping women turn hurt into healing...

Hello, I'm Kaye

Kaye / Founder of Girl Chosen

I believe you're here for a reason...

I have a passion for all things interior design and an affinity toward bunnies, especially one named Carter. I love jasmine tea, sunsets, popcorn and peonies. Did you know peonies have a biblical meaning? I will share more on that later and the beautiful message that ties them to God and His timing.

The interior design business I have owned for over 10 years has brought me joy. I believe that good aesthetics influences our environment, elevates our spirit and evokes a positive impact on our well-being. You might be asking, "What does interior design have to do with my hurting heart?" Well, one of the first steps on our journey to healing from betrayal trauma is to calm our emotions. When trying to navigate a life that is out of control, the one area we have total jurisdiction over is the space in which we live. It can become a haven for security, comfort and healing when you are feeling unsafe, insecure and unloved.

Most likely, friend, you are on this page because you are suffering from the aftermath of your husband's addiction. I too have felt the sting of betrayal. After discovering my husband's secret eight years ago, my life was filled with deep pain. Due to the effects of betrayal trauma, daily routines, such as eating, sleeping and driving a car became a challenge. It quickly became apparent that I was struggling physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

I tried finding hope and healing on my own, but failed. When I realized my thoughts were not rooted in God's truth, I knew I needed Him more than ever. Scripture became my nonstop compass for the truth, so much so that many mornings I woke up clinging to the Bible. God became my Comforter and Healer of my heart and I want that for you, too.

I knew that if I survived this devastating season, I would be a voice of compassion and hope for Christian wives crying out for help. The lessons I have learned that I will teach you will shorten your healing journey without compromising real and lasting results through practical and biblical principles.

Like good interior design, with the right tools, faith and commitment, I will show you how God will help you to understand your suffering, transform your state of mind, set you on a path of healing, and impart to you a life filled with peace, joy and a renewed heart.

Sharing my story has not been easy, but if it can help another woman know that she is not alone and that she is infinitely loved by God, then my experience has been worth it. Come join me on a success path

If you are weary and tired of the pain from betrayal trauma, take a walk with me as I share with you the invaluable lessons God has shown me.

Nothing in this life is personal even though we think that it is. Do not try to find answers on your own. Let God heal you from the inside out. He can take an impossibly broken situation and redeem it as He is a God whom we can trust to do exceedingly and abundantly above what we ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20-21). 

You are infinitely loved and you are worthy of being held and seen right where you are in your journey today.

You are not alone....